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International Education Cooperation Program Admission Information Session


On 29th March, 2017, Laurentian University (Canada), has launched its admission information talk regarding its international educational cooperation program with Liaoning University, in Room 210, Bowen Building, Liaoning University.


During this session, Hugo Chen, the International Program Manager, from Laurentian University has given an in-depth introduction to Laurentian’s international education collaboration program, summer program, scholarship application and student’s career development. In the Q&A part, Hugo Chen actively answered student’s enquiries and provided recommendation for their future overseas study.  


In the end of the session, Hugo Chen said, “Thank you for your coming and I really wish you a joyful and meaningful overseas life in the future.” Students also thanked for Hugo’s exciting presentation as well as his advice and many of the students expressed their enthusiasm and interests to study abroad.


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