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Laurentian University (Canada) and Liaoning University Signing Ceremony

On 19th Oct. 2016, Business School of Liaoning University and Management School of Laurentian University, Canada, have signed agreement of the international cooperation program in Lixing Building, Liaoning University. Huo Chunhui (Executive Dean of Business School), Jiang Lei (Director of International Exchanges Department), Xia Lixin (Director of Academic Affairs Office), Zhao Hongyang (Vice Director of Academic Affairs), Zhang Shengqiang (Vice Dean of Business School), Shao Jianbing (Vice Dean of Business School), Stephen Havlovic (Dean of Management School of Laurentian University), and Xiaoxiang Chen (Dean of International Cooperation Program of Laurentian University), have attended the signing ceremony. Both parties have explored in depth of the ‘2+2’, '2+1+1’, and ‘3+1+1’ programs and signed student exchange program agreement. Therefore, students in Business School of Liaoning University have the opportunity to study in Laurentian University during their undergraduate or postgraduate stage.



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