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Postdoctoral Recruitment Announcement on Business Administration at Liaoning University 2023
时间:2022-10-20 11:10:15 编辑:刘晓谦

The Postdoctoral Research Mobile Station of Business Administration of Liaoning University is now recruiting postdoctoral fellows for the year 2023, in accordance with National Postdoctoral Regulatory Commissions regulations on postdoctoral recruitment, the document Postdoctoral Provisional Regulations of Liaoning University (2020 revision) , as well as the postdoctoral recruitment requirements of Liaoning University 2023.


. About the Station

Founded in 1999, the Postdoctoral Mobile Station of Business Administration is backed by the first level discipline of business administration of Liaoning University, which is the first-rate discipline (Category A) of Liaoning Province and rated as B+ (top 10% - 20%) in the fourth round of disciplinary evaluation by the Ministry of Education. The Station covers four fields of study, including business management, accounting, technological economics and management, and tourism management. Among the collaborating mentors in the Station are the selectee of National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project, the recipient of the special government allowances of the State Council, the scholars supported by New Century Excellent Talents in University Program, and the selectee of Xing Liao Talents Plan of Liaoning Province. At present, the Station is undertaking 14 important projects of the National Social Science Fund of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has won Outstanding Achievement Award of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education and 10 achievement awards of philosophy and social sciences of Liaoning Province. 15 proposals have been adopted at the national, ministerial and provincial levels, and the research results have been published in top journals both at home and abroad, including Economic Research and Management World.


LNU provides the postdoctoral fellows with good compensation package, and the postdoctoral fellows have played an important role in discipline building as well as in high-level scientific research.


. Positions

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows (no limit to the number)

Postdoctoral Research Fellows (no limit to the number)


. Fields of Study and Collaborating Mentors

Business Management: Prof. Zhang Guangsheng, Prof. Shao Jianbing, Prof. Huo Chunhui, Prof. Han Liangliang, Prof. Wang Ji, Prof. Zhang Guangning, Prof. Yuan Shaofeng, Prof. Xu Yekun

Accounting: Prof. Han Liangliang, Prof. Dong Yinghou

Technological Economics and Management: Prof. Guo Yanqing, Prof. Li Mingyang

Tourism Management: Prof. Li Ying, Prof. Guo Shu


. Benefits and Funding

1. Salary: The annual salary for postdoctoral research fellows is 150,000 yuan (before tax), and the annual salary for postdoctoral teaching fellows is 250,000 yuan (before tax). The salary will be paid for two years.

2. Research support: LNU provides postdoctoral teaching fellows with scientific research start-up funds of 40,000 yuan.

3. Other benefits: LNU pays social insurance for postdoctoral fellows and provides a two-year rental subsidy of 1,500 yuan/month.


. Eligibility

1. The applicant should adhere to the correct political and academic orientation, consciously abide by academic ethics and norms, and have no record of bad behaviors.

2. The applicants doctoral degree should not exceed three years since its date of issue, and the applicant should not be over 35 years old (including 35 years old, that is, before the 36th birthday) in general, and work full-time in LNU after entering the Station.

3. The applicant should possess physical and mental health as well as strong research ability and professionalism, and be able to accomplish postdoctoral research work dutifully.

4. Doctoral students who are trained and graduated from the same first-level discipline in LNU should not apply for the postdoctoral research positions in the Station.

5. The applicant should meet other postdoctoral recruitment requirements at both national and university levels.



1. The applicant is required to submit a written application and relevant materials to the Station, and only those who pass the qualification review can participate in the inbound assessment.

2. The postdoctoral period is set to last two years in general, but can be flexible from two to four years based on the needs of the project; for those who undertake major national scientific and technological projects after entering the Station, the time spent in the Station should be adjusted in time on the basis of the project funding period and the tasks undertaken. The maximum time in the Station should not exceed six years.

3. LNU has the ownership of the research results obtained by the postdoctoral fellows during the period in the Station. LNU is entitled to the first authorship of the publications (including the collaborating mentor as the first author) and the first affiliation of the publications.

4. Postdoctoral fellows who apply for outbound are required to complete postdoctoral research work as planned, write postdoctoral research reports in compliance with the relevant national regulations, and pass the outbound defense.

5. Postdoctoral fellows who apply for outbound should meet the requirements and the assessment criteria in the agreements before leaving the Station.


. Application

1. The applicant should log in to the National Postdoctoral Online Office System to fill in the relevant information of the inbound application and submit it to the LNU Postdoctoral Mobile Station.

2. The applicant should submit written application materials to the Postdoctoral Mobile Station of Business Administration (see Appendix 2), and send the electronic version to the mailbox of the Station by Nov. 10,2023 (lnu62602136@163.com).

3. The Station will complete the preliminary review of the application materials and conduct the assessment process on Nov. 15, 2023.

4. The Station will submit the approved application materials to the Office of the Postdoctoral Management Committee (Personnel Office) of Liaoning University before Nov. 28, 2023.

5. The LNU Postdoctoral Management Office will carry out a review of those who pass the assessment, in terms of the relevant regulations at the national, provincial and university levels and then determine the candidates who are to enter the station and complete the formalities.


. Contact Information

Contact person: Ms. Liu

Telephone number: 024-62602136

Mailing address: General Office of School of Business, Room 322, Zexing Building, Puhe Campus, Liaoning University, No. 58 Daoyi South Street, Shenbei New District, Shenyang, Liaoning

E-mail: lnu62602136@163.com



1. requirements for postdoctoral application materials

2. postdoctoral application form

3. assessment form of the academic department of the postdoctoral research mobile station


School of Business, Liaoning University

March 16, 2023



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